
My name is Harry Lambert. I am a contributing writer at the New Statesman – a weekly British magazine “of politics and literature”, founded in 1913.

I tend to write dispatches, interviews, profiles and longer pieces for the NS, and occasionally other outlets too.

At a time of infinite content, being guided to a few key pieces has never been more useful. 

As a subscriber to One Great Read I will send you essential reads, links, and thoughts, as well as snippets from books, occasionally a graph or two, and even a painting or some other art.

Here are some past pieces to give you a sense of what I write about, and may send you.

It would be great to have you as a subscriber. Please do get in touch with any pieces, links, thoughts, or ideas.


T: @harrytlambert

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Staff writer, New Statesman | Editor, The Saturday Read https://saturdayread.substack.com/